A client of ours is going through an exciting process. They are completely revamping their brand identity and putting a big stake in the ground to redefine the organization’s calling card to support better, faster, and more productive realization of their brand goals. We have completed the strategic analysis, built the core structure around their brand (vision, positioning, brand ladder, personality and organizational framework), and finalized the creative brief to begin our work on their organization’s new name. All has been received with uniform and enthusiastic agreement and applause. Either we are that good, they are that good, or both! Alas, I digress.
At this point we have all been a bit lulled by the cozy feeling that accompanies lack of conflict. So, this was really inevitable, right? Brand name presentation 1 elicited great discussion but no clear winner. Presentation 2 gave the core team the confidence to identify 4 favorites but still no clear winner.
When it comes to brand development, which stakeholders should have authority over this decision…and which should not? From the start, the importance of engaging stakeholders beyond the core team has been a priority. This organization, like many, has lived the result of big unilateral decisions forced upon those who are charged with picking up the baton and selling it. It can be difficult, conflict-inducing, and counterproductive.
So, what do we do now to enable a decision that is not only right for the goals of the organization but is additive in supporting the collaboration and effectiveness of the team?
Here are a few tips.
Tip #1 – Layout the Process From the Start
Decision-making can take place many different ways. In some cases, the decision is made strictly through full consensus by a group. Other times, it may be more appropriate for feedback to be solicited from a broader group but for the final decision to be relegated to a single leader or small group. While there is no one right approach, what is important is that all stakeholders are aware of the process and feel heard. For this to happen, define the process. Describe where different stakeholders will be involved and share how feedback is gathered and processed within the final decision. By taking a transparent approach, there is clear, defensible rationale for why decisions are made and those with conflicting opinions can understand and embrace the ultimate direction.
Tip #2 – Solicit Input with Context
Prepare and share guidelines and protocol that will direct stakeholders on how to evaluate the decision options. In the case of this situation, we sent along the creative brief and core strategic brand assets with instruction on how to evaluate the brand name options within the context of the established strategic framework.
Tip #3 – Develop a Scorecard
Scorecards are a great tool to keep tabs on decision-making and communicate the “why” behind them. They are excellent to drive further discussion which reduces conflict and improves consensus. Scorecards can be as simple as a pdf file sent to respondents or deployed in a more sophisticated fashion through one of the many digital meeting tools that are now readily available, such as MeetingSift, Mural.co, etc.
Tip #4 – Present in a Live Forum
It is always preferable to present decision options in a live forum – real world or digital. Doing so gives the creators and/or sponsors the opportunity to ensure that everyone understands the goals for the decision, how the individual options came to be, and addresses questions and concerns in a timely fashion. Additionally, a live forum opens the opportunity to make decisions in a graduated yet efficient manner. You may be able to quickly eliminate a few options through simple voting and then discuss the remaining options to drive consensus.
Tip #5 – Give Credit and Accolades for Participation
We all like for our opinions to be respected and acknowledged. Even if the ultimate decision is not ours. Input provides perspective that enriches good decisions. So, give those pats on the back. Throw in some fun swag. Recognize the big audacious truth—we are all stronger and better when we work together.
So, you’re probably now wondering what happened to my client’s big decision. Well, we are working our way though the 5-step process, which is naturally leading to a quick winnowing of contenders. We are excited about where we are heading and look forward to sharing the final reveal.
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